Bed bugs have been around for decades

Before, people only considered bed bugs as a nuisance; however, modern science has allowed people to determine the ability of these pests to transmit harmful diseases. You have probably known that the bites of bed bugs are dangerous. However, experts have discovered that bed bugs leave behind fecal matter that also spreads disease. Indeed, this is how these bugs primarily transmit diseases to people they feed on. After bed bug control and extermination, their waste must be removed to complete the cleanup. 

What Disease Do Bed Bugs Can Transmit?

In the past, experts did not believe bed bugs could transmit diseases. However, recent research shows histamines in their feces. Bed bugs are found to infect people with Trypanosoma cruzi, which is introduced to humans if the bite is exposed to their fecal matter. Chagas disease can result from this. This disease causes central nervous system and heart damage and can be quite serious. The levels of histamine are significantly higher in bed-bug-infested homes. 

Where Bed Bugs Hide

Bed bugs are nocturnal. They move around and feed on their host at night. They hide in small creases and folds to avoid light during the day. That is bed bugs can go unnoticed and be hard to eliminate. As with other creatures, they want to stay near human blood, which is their main source of food. That is why bed bugs often hide on corner beds and mattresses. Also, they hide in closets, walls, furniture, and clothing. 

DIY Bed Bug Treatment

Bed bugs have resistance to many pesticides. Thus, a lot of DIY bed bug kills utilize extreme temperatures such as heat or cold. Although acid solutions such as vinegar can work, heating or freezing bed bugs is the most effective method. To successfully kill bed bugs, they should be exposed to high heat from 117 F to 122 F and freezing temperatures. With DIY bed bug treatment, there is a chance that a pregnant bed can survive. When this happens, the infestation remains. 

Professional Bed Bug Treatments

The majority of pest control companies utilize a multi-faceted approach to eliminate bed bugs. Often, a specialized heater is used to increase an infested room’s temperature above 117 F. Experts maintain the heat treatment for more than ninety minutes when the temperature level is the same throughout the room. After the treated room has cooled down, a pest control expert will apply an effective pesticide. 

In addition, experts may use a freezing gun to eradicate bed bugs. This device is often used on mattresses, light sockets, and children’s toys. 

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